Live from Vienna Beach Volleyball!

[Music] Time to dance a little.  I’m at the beach volleyball in Vienna and that is the crowd behind me watching the Austrian men’s team, it is phenomenal!

There is 10,000 people here which to put a bit of context in that is the same amount of people at the Bondi 2000 Olympics, 18 years ago. [Applause] Austria clearly won a point [Applause]

So this is not even a major event right, it is one of the majors in the annual calendar, here in Vienna and the Austrians do it very well it is like our Wimbledon of beach volleyball. It was always great to play here in front of a crowd like this. But clearly this crowd is here to watch Austria play and the Austrian men are playing Latvia right now. [Applause] [Music]

Dance time, there’s no quiet time like at the tennis. At the tennis at Wimbledon it was all “ssshhhhh” this is what’s it’s like all day at the beach volleyball, its like a night club and this is what I got to experience for 20 years, not quite stands like this but we loved playing here and just wanting you to have a little think about this month, what is your favourite arena to play in in life, what’s your favourite stadium, where do you bring the best out of yourself and put yourself in the middle of that as often as you can. And this is what we did at beach volleyball, that was what it was for me, on the court was my sanctum, on the court was where I got to express all my emotions, all of my creativity. [Music]

Like I said this is beach volleyball all day and I wanted to share a little bit of it with you. You might not be able to hear me as well, but that’s ok. So over and out from Vienna and I just wanted to send you a little message from one of my favourite spots on planet earth, in the middle of a beach volleyball stadium!




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