Applying Arnold Schwarzenegger's 6 Tips for Success to Your Life

So it’s been about a month since we went to see Arnold Schwarzenegger and I gave you his six tips to success, and I’ve been reading his book and its really awesome. But what I didn’t do that day is actually see how it relates to our life. So if you’ve had time to reflect, it’s now time to actually go and use his six strategies for success for yourself. Not just read about them and go that’s cool Arnie that’s cool for you. It is time to actually map them out across your life.


So if we go back to the first one have a vision and follow it; which is really important following it! What’s your vision? You know my vision now that I’ve retired from Olympic sport is to impact World Health. I’m helping people free themselves of physical and financial pain and in the process create the largest health and wellness company in the world. So my vision is huge, my vision is to actually impact a million people with their health because we deserve to have the body, mind and soul; spirit that the Creator has given us. So we’re so far at 11,000 people, we’ve got a long way to go but a million is the vision and now we’ve got to follow it.


Number two was to always shoot for the stars. So always shoot big you know, never give up on your goals, never ever think small. So are you doing that? Are you shooting for the stars right? And winners always get up, so keep getting up, keep getting up, keep getting up. You only have to get up one more time than you get knocked down to be a winner.


Number three ignore the naysayers. This is a big one. What’s happening in your life? Are there naysayers? Are you ignoring them? And if you’re not, then you need to start ignoring. You need to say thank you for your opinion but it’s not helpful for me I’ll see you next week! And leave the room. You know you go into a nightclub and it’s really loud and I haven’t been to a nightclub for a long time by the way. But it’s really loud and you find you standing next to a speaker. Well move from the speaker! You don’t want negative naysayers to be really loud. And on that note go and surround yourself with positive people. That’s the opposite of it.


Forget about Plan B. Now this is where he says go full-on, go a hundred percent with your plan A. Just go like there’s no other option. Are you doing that? Or are you sort of spreading yourself thin across many things hoping that one of them will work? And I did that for a long time but now I’ve got one direction.


Number five work your arse off. Are you working hard at the end of the day? Can you go to bed at night going I’m working as hard as I can? Work your arse off!


Number six don’t just take but give something back. So what’s your contribution in the world? I’ve started a charity called the Live Out Loud Foundation to tackle childhood obesity and that’s my give back. So I raise money for the charity. I then deliver programs with a superhero called Captain Active, getting kids physically active, working on their food choices and helping their self-esteem. So that’s my give back. What’s your give back? What’s your contribution to the world?

And Arnie remember finished it with, if not me who and if not now when? So it’s you and it’s now and it’s time to go out and be totally successful in whatever you want to do. So have a good week!


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