Back to the Drawing Board in Norway

What an amazing part of the world. The Swatch FIVB World Tour stops in Norway (can you believe it) twice a year. The second stop is in a town called Kristiansand.

Norway in one of the most expensive cities in the world. So it was an costly week for more reasons than our bank accounts.

Our first round in the qualifier was a Canadian team that was new to the tour. We had a shocker. For those of you not Aussie, that means terrible/horrific game. We lost in 3 sets and played horrible. Back to the drawing board probably an understatement. We needed more than a drawing board. We were contemplating if we had made the right decision coming back. 2 tough weeks in a row and sliding downhill fast.

So what did we do…..lots of meetings and trainings and reflecting on the purpose for coming back. Why are we doing this? Because I love competing (not training anymore as it is too hard) but love the competition. I love the challenge of 5 Olympics. No one else has been able to do it. And simply because I can! Those reflections will continue for the next few weeks no doubt as Tamsin and I push ourselves, each other and our limits. We have the AIS (Australian Institue of Sport) coaches on tour assisting us too to push our buttons. Happy happy joy joy!

So because there is not much volleyball to report on this week. I will fill you in on the social occasions. I bought a boat….had to in order to do laundry! Went to the movies and saw Inception. Wow….talk about getting you thinking. Have to see it a few more times to get it I think. Sarah and I found a great lunch place, that we ate at everyday. That is usually what happens on tour. Creatures of habit. Once you find something you like….it is like groundhog day! Oh Norway have the best strawberries too.

A volleyball week to forget. Glad that there is always next week. And the sun will come up in the morning.


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