Be Creative this Melbourne Cup!

latest news video Nov 07, 2017

Find a new way to look at things…

Bula from Fiji and I know it’s Melbourne Cup day today so I’m not going to give you any tips because I usually pick my horses based on; the name, the number and the colour of the jersey,of the jockey.

So I’m not going to give you any tips but good luck if you’re in the sweeps or if you’re on a box trifecta or any of those cool things, all the best for Melbourne Cup.

I’m in Fiji on a corporate conference as a participant and today was really awesome because (well, yesterday was really awesome) because we started to talk about creativity.

So at this time in your life we’re getting closer to Christmas, you’re probably trying to slide into Christmas and have a rest.

But what in your life can you ignite with some creativity?

So there’s a part of our business that we do in health, that has kind of got a bit stale and we’re really trying to find a new way to deliver what we do, to reinvent ourselves, to be creative, to sort of take a few of the rules off us, so that we can go to the next level in business.

Just some of the ideas were amazing, sort of that out-of-the-box thinking and if time and money and rules weren’t an issue, what would you be able to do with an aspect of your life?

So I really wanted to inspire on this special day of the race that stops a nation, Melbourne Cup day to inspire you to draw on your creativity.

So whether that’s sitting down and doodling, drawing, making lists, designing new plans, painting whatever it is that can start to ignite your creativity with the intention to work on a part of your life.

Whether that’s relationships or business or health. I just want to inspire you to sit down now, if you’re here in the beautiful Fiji you might grab a coconut and that would help the creative process but wherever you are in the world I inspire you or encourage you to start to be a bit creative.

So good luck with that and take care we’ll see you next week!

Go horsies, go horsies, giddy up!


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