Changing of the seasons

Hi to everyone that's been tuning into my video blogs on my 12 month adventure through Europe. We are basing ourselves on Lake Geneva which is, we're in a small little village called Laurie and that's our little Swiss boat transport that we get around the lake with and then I also have a private train over there, that takes up us up into the vineyards.

So I just couldn't help but to take a video for you today so that you can see this amazing beauty. What it makes me think of think about is the seasons and right now we're in summer we're in a heatwave in Europe and these grapes are almost plump and ready to be picked so as we come out of summer and go into, I guess what is it here autumn, and the grapes get picked for the wine this place here which you see now is very green. Actually, becomes bare and all of the greenery goes off the vine and it becomes brown and it doesn't look anywhere as picturesque as it does right now. Which I will show you again in a few months but right now we are in the time to enjoy like Geneva and the Sun.

That is my train getting ready to go so I just want you to have a think about your season what season are you in in your life and are you in a season that's ready to be harvested and enjoy the fruits of success or are you in a season where you're back is strip back to the bare bones of the vine and starting to build on your next goals or adventures so wherever you are in your journey it's amazing and that's something to remember that every season is as beautiful as the next.

I know some people look forward to summer so I'm actually look forward to winter ski season and all of that that goes on so make sure you enjoy every single season there is and wherever you are in your life it's the right spot and it's the right season and one day I hope you get to Lake Geneva. Au revoir merci beaucoup!


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