Is false marketing stopping you from doing something?

Howdy, you know I'm addicted to snow right now, so I just keep following it even though it's the middle of summer we've had 38 degree heat wave here in Switzerland there is still snow you just have to go higher and higher and higher and higher, I also found a lake at the snow, this is epic!

So my awesome beach volleyball partner from the Sydney Olympics Kerri Pottharst dared me, to do this special roller coaster in the Swiss Alps right. You might have seen it on Facebook, if you have, it looks like it goes super-fast because with the powers of marketing they have time lapse to the video. It is a funicular open train that goes super slow but on a hundred- and six-degree gradient you feel like you're about to tip out and it's super-slow but then they sped up the video, so it looks fast.

So everyone gets afraid, the thing is uber slow and uber safe and totally not what you expect. So who would have watched that video and and decided not to come and see this because of the fear factor that's not even there. And this is the point, all over social media, all over the world, all over people's stories, they create this fear in people that's not even there or something that's not even true. All these people from all over the world showing up for this super roller coaster that goes fast it's one track, it’s a 12-minute ride that goes super slow and they've sped up the video.

So what's the point of it all? Don't be scared, give everything a go, say yes to everything and go for it.

Hopefully you can hear the lake, the snow melting, causing waterfalls all over the place through Switzerland, it is so beautiful and I only have two weeks left of this amazing year adventure in Switzerland.

I'm starting to feel that angst of going home and I'm excited to go home to Brisbane but leaving this amazing adventure if you'd have one tiny bit of ounce of desire to do this for yourself or your family, pack up for a year, pack up for six months, pack up for three months and just do it and say yes to every opportunity you can. And Kerri Pottharst you need to get over here and do this super-duper slow roller coaster cause it's pretty awesome! 

Just have a think about what else in your life you are being marketed something that's not even true and it's stopping you doing it or in this case it's encouraged us to do it because I wanted the super-fast roller coaster. 

Anyway sometimes we actually don't get what it says on the packet, look closely have an adventure anyway and look at that. Over and out, maybe my last video from Switzerland.

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