My 16-Week IsaBody Challenge

So in light of my consistency challenge for 2017, I have entered into what we call a ‘IsaBody Challenge’. So it’s a 16week challenge of exercise. So this will be very testing for me and I’m going to dispel a myth about Olympians. You may all think we like to exercise! Well, actually well I personally don’t really. For me exercise was a means of getting towards my goal of going to the Olympics. Of course you had to exercise. I love playing the sport of volleyball, I actually enjoyed going to the gym. But when you’re forced to do it and you have to do it as part of your job, sometimes the shine wears off a little bit.

So now after retiring, by choice I have to get back into the gym, build some muscles because part of my IsaBody Challenge is to build some more muscle and I’ve seen the pictures that I used to, the muscles I used to have when I was training and I want some of them back, not all of them, but some of them. So I’ve sort of got my little gym here in the background at my house and it’s time to be consistent with my training.


So again the secret to success is going to be the consistency. So I thought I’d just share with you a little bit like if you have trouble getting out of bed to go to the gym or to run or to walk or to swim, then even us Olympians or past Olympians have trouble too. Just wanted to let you know you’re not alone.

So again, the man the main thing is the decision to do it. So this morning in my head I had four or five conversations – do I, do I not? It’s easier not to but once you make the decision, put on your running shoes put on your gym gear and get out there. We all know how good it is for us and we all know how great we feel at the end.

So really the hard part is the decision to get out of bed, the decision to go the gym. Once you make that, be decisive and get out there! So I’m going to go and work out I’ll see you next week!


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