Success Coaching for Accountants

latest news video May 22, 2017

Hi! Live from the Sunshine Coast, where I’m about to go on stage and talk to 300 accountants. Now you may be thinking, what is a beach volleyball Olympian going to talk to accountants about? Well, the common topic is success and how to be successful over a long period of time. So what does that look like?

You know for some people it may be four years – one Olympic cycle; for others, it’s five Olympics in 20 years. And the success cycle you know it’s not always like that. It’s not always going winning all the time; it’s about losing and what you do when you lose and what you focus on. And how you can get your focus to go from a poor performance to make sure your next performance is a winning performance. And that takes a bit of skill and strategy so I’m going to go through some of that today.


I’m also going to talk about how to jump out of bed every day with energy, how to stay motivated, how to stay excited, how to surround yourself with an uplifting positive team and the most important positive team is up here. And how you create positive thoughts for you to get you through the tough times because it’s easy to high-five when you’re winning.

But can you high-five when you’re losing? And what about when no one’s around? How do you high-five when no one’s around? I’ll give you a hint; it’s called the self high five. So go and work the self high five out and I will see you next week.


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