10-18 October 2020 is Queensland Mental Health Week. This year’s theme is #TakeTime for mental health, and now, more than ever, it’s so important to take the time to check in with yourself and those around you.
Over the years, I have found that I’m happiest when I’m living in alignment with my personal values. Having a clear understanding of your values helps you to prioritise your time and energy, and connects you with your purpose.
My values are family, health, financial security, adventure and achievement, and when I’m actively focusing my efforts on those things, I notice that I feel balanced and have a positive outlook. I find it easier not to ‘sweat the small stuff’ and let the rest fall into place.
“Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.” — Mahatma Gandhi
Today I’d like you to take time to think about your values: what’s important to you, what motivates you, what makes you feel invigorated or at peace? And how much time or energy do you spend on each of these? This will give you an idea of what drives you, and areas of your life that might need some attention. If you’re not sure where to start, try this exercise from Psychology Today.
Queensland Mental Health Week also offers some simple, proven ways to boost your mental wellbeing, resilience and happiness:
Visit the Queensland Mental Health Week website for more information and resources. If you or someone you know needs some extra support, there are also some great resources in the Find Help section of the site.
Image: Mads Schmidt Rasmussen (@immvds) via Unsplash
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