Testing the Olympic Venue!

The Test event in London was the highlight of the season. We got to do a run though of the playing venue and all the associated Olympic protocols and picked up some added inspiration for all our hard work to ensure we qualify for the big event. The venue is smack in the middle of Buckingham Palace, Trafalgar Square and # 10 Downing St (the Prime Ministers house) You couldn’t pick a more central or perfect spot. Was an honour to be playing our sport in the heart of it all. 15,000 seats have already been sold to every session, it will be a must see if you can get close enough! I am really looking forward to it and the countdown is well and truly on, it is not far away now. So the focus now is on staying strong and healthy, fine tuning our game and leaving nothing to chance.

“Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, others make it happen.” – Michael Jordan



People think the life of a professional athlete is glamorous. Well let me fill you in on a few of the things we normally don’t talk about.

We spend a week in each place and really only travel from the hotel to the beach and back. Unless I am in a new city and feel the urge to explore. However in Olympic qualifying years we tend to try and conserve our energy.

  • 12 weeks of competition in 12 different countries.
  • That’s 90 breakfasts in hotel breakfast buffets (in a row)
  • 90 restaurants or coffee shops for lunch
  • 90 restaurants for dinner.

We tend to roam the streets for some variety, however I tend to be a creature of habit and find a local favourite and frequent it! This is one of the hardest things about being on tour, making sure we don’t over eat at buffets, or making sure we make the right healthy choices, asking what foods are cooked with, having as much grilled meat (vs fried) as we can. And the list goes on. We often find grocery stores to buy snacks and things. But some hotel rooms don’t even have a fridge so you can’t even keep milk or yoghurt.

Our rooms often look like a Chinese laundry. We tend to wash in the bath tub and hang thing out around the room, on lamp shades (watch you don’t start a fire), over doors, on towel racks etc. Even if we find a laundry mat because our swim suits are lycra we can’t put them in the dryer (and believe me they are already small enough!) so we have to hang them up in the room.

One of the best things about being on tour is that someone makes your bed and gives your clean towels EVERYDAY!!! Woo hoo!


Aussie Ecolution recently assisted me to ‘Switch on’ our very own Australian made solar installation at Sandstorm Beach Club. The Switch was flicked with the assistance of  The Hon. Stephen Robertson MP. [Energy Water Utilities Minister] & Aussie Ecolution CEO, John Simpson. I now look forward to never receiving a power bill again! If you’re considering Solar energy please checkout our friends at Aussie Ecolution.


I currently viaited the USA (Colorado Springs) for the International Olympic Committee (IOC) Athletes forum. Held every 2 years (last time was in Morocco). I am very passionate about ensuring the athletes make the most out of their sporting careers and that their health and wellbeing is catered for too.

I spent time in LA too doing some Sandstorm business. Tough life!


I have recently been appointed onto the (QLD Olympic Committee) QOC board. So hopefully I can continue my athlete health and wellbeing and career education support in this position too.

I recently attended the Opening of the new Salt Grill restaurant proudly housed in the Brand New Hilton Hotel. The food is amazing, the staff so warm and friendly and the atmosphere elegant yet “very GC”


I played in the Aussie Ecolution celebrity challenge at the Sandstorm Invitational which is a part of the Iconic Cooloongatta Gold event held at Kurrawa Beach. Of course my team won! We unveiled our Sandstorm mascot – Spike, a beloved SandFly! I am hopeful he can appear in my place when I am not able to attend. A good stunt double don’t you think!






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