Thanks for Your Support!

It is the last time the 30-day fitness challenge, powered by Rebel, GET YOUR MOVE ON challenge.

The challenge of exercise just finished and I just want to say thank you for all those that participated in the get your move on challenge, thanks for being active with yourself, your kid, while getting your kids moving & getting them off the couch.

It’s been really great to see the activities everyone’s been doing from yoga or walking the dog to doing gym with the dog thanks Carla and park runs, good job Eli and Logan and Bec and I really loved seeing all the kids get active.

So thank you so much for your support, it’ll help Captain Active get out there into schools and keep our kids active and tackle this problem childhood obesity.

So that’s the challenge for the month of October but don’t stop there, the key is to be active all the time, maybe not every single day but continue consistent activity because that’s how we stay fit and healthy!

High five, over and out to your next challenge!


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