The Best Motivational Speaker in Australia

speaker Jul 21, 2015

Whether you’re an individual or a business team, listening to a motivational speaker can be invaluable when it comes to inspiration for achieving your goals and fulfilling your dreams. Motivational speakers encourage you and your staff to focus on potential opportunities instead of problems through engaging discussions and activities with real world relevance. Are you looking for the best motivational speaker in Australia? Look no further…


While most inspirational speakers are experts in their fields, not all experts can be inspirational speakers. Nat Cook embodies that rare blend of experience, expertise and captivating public speaking ability. She draws on her years as a champion athlete to help audiences understand the real key to achieving greatness: self-belief.


Any motivational speaker will claim to be able to help you and your business succeed; but we’ve all seen speakers who roll out the same old ideas without leaving a lasting impression. A great motivational speaker understands their audience and makes a real connection. Every audience member should leave the room with a concrete plan to put into action. This is the style of audience engagement that sets Nat Cook apart from the rest. Travelling the country and sharing the secrets to her success, Nat draws in crowds with her relatable stories and a lively, humorous approach, ensuring her message is both memorable and actionable.


With life experience comes stories of success, tough lessons and great wisdom. Nat has achieved outstanding victories in both her career and business lives, partly because she has never been afraid to dream big, and this is what she shares with her audiences. Drawing inspiration from past and present experiences, this five time Olympian knows what it takes to succeed.

Nat Cook’s accomplishments don’t end at being a five time Olympian. Nat is also a published author, blogger and motivational speaker who dedicates herself to inspiring greatness in others. As a result of the high standards she holds for herself, her quest for knowledge, insight and development has led to a successful career as a business woman and brand ambassador following her years in sport.

She also takes great pride in being a representative for Camp Quality and the CHERISH Foundation. So passionate about helping others she founded her very own Live Out Loud Foundation, which aims to reduce childhood obesity through education, opportunities and teamwork. She is one accomplished and hard working individual.


As a speaker, Nat Cook is not quite what you might expect from an athlete-turned-business woman. She is not afraid to use humour, including props and costumes, to engage with the audience and help people to understand her message. Visual prompts assist in achieving a mental link between self-motivation and the reward for your hard work. She is a firm believer in visualising what you want and making it happen.

Nat uses her sporting achievements to demonstrate the parallels between athletes, business people and many of the real life situations that challenge us. The best inspirational speakers should be able to connect with you on this level and assist in implementing ideas to help you achieve your aspirations on a day-to-day basis.


As a result of her athletic past, Nat understands what it takes to achieve success and reach your goals through hard work and dedication. She encourages people of all ages to look at problems and circumstances from a different perspective and become more observant about their own talents and abilities. By using the skills and the facilities available to you, resisting the urge to make excuses and challenging yourself, you will be inspired to push that little bit harder to achieve your objectives.

Nat is an inspiring, passionate and encouraging individual who wants to see other people achieve their dreams. With her help to find your focus and drive, you and your business will be kicking goals in no time. All your hard work and persistence will pay off on a grand scale when it’s combined with self belief and visualisation.


Nat keeps her audiences engaged and alert through interaction. Props like superhero capes, costumes, trophies, balls and giveaways, have everyone jumping out of their seats!

Props are vital to Nat’s motivational speeches because she refuses to let one person leave thinking “well, that was boring”. With her animated personality, she encourages movement, activities and games to keep the mind and body active while the message sinks in.


Nat has been driven to succeed since childhood and she continues to apply this drive to be the best to her public presentations. If you are an individual hoping to achieve success in your life on a personal or professional level, she has the skills and knowledge to help you step beyond your comfort zone. Businesses and employees can always benefit from insight and motivation to keep moving forward as a team. Nat has a varied personal and professional background, which means everyone can find a point of connection, regardless of their own journey or dreams.

Motivation and willpower are key ingredients to being successful in both life and business. The best motivational speakers know how to encourage these traits, fostering a new and inspiring way of thinking that opens the door to new levels of success.

Looking for an engaging, inspirational presentation to encourage success? Nat Cook is one of Australia’s best motivational speakers. Book Nat today!

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