What are you dedicating your life to?

latest news video Mar 20, 2018

Hi everyone and welcome to the month of March, can you believe it, we are already in March?!

I happen to be at the MCG today and am very excited about what has gone on inside the stadium, not only was it the Olympic Stadium in 1956, it’s a Commonwealth Games Stadium, it’s obviously the home of AFL footy and cricket, it’s pretty epic!

I’m about to go in there for a dinner function, a charity black tie ball for the SAS. Now I have no idea what I’m in for. Its supposed to be Secret Service stuff and I watch all these TV programs about all the conspiracy theories around the President of the United States and the Navy SEALs and all of those things, and some of you might have read the book “Extreme Ownership” which is about the Navy SEALs from the United States, so I’m very curious, I’m very intrigued as to what tonight may hold and what they will talk about. Like I said something that’s supposed to be secret, so I can’t wait to hear some of the stories.

But if you think about an SAS person, I’ve seen a documentary on Qantas about how they pick the SAS and what they go through physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally, how they band together as a team and leave no man behind, it is pretty amazing. So to dedicate their life to something like that and that’s supposed to be for saving us, so dedicating their whole life, their attention to detail, their stealth-like behaviours, how they heighten all of their senses.

I’m just making all this up right now from what I’ve seen on TV and read in books. But I can’t wait to meet some of them and see that they’re probably just normal people like you and me, with a very honed skill, that like I said they’ve dedicated their life to.

So what are you dedicating your life to is the question of the month … What are you dedicating your life to, is it a purpose?

A higher purpose, is it anything from tackling childhood obesity to ridding the world of poverty or hunger or something to do with global warming?

Those are big goals or is it something small to do with your own family or your own business? Maybe everyone’s purpose is to be happy and joyful?

So right now I’m happy and joyful, I’m going to go into dinner and maybe next month I’ll let you know how it went. Up the G!


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