Who's on your team?

My Mum and Dad arrive, in one more sleep and I'm a tad excited because it means that Sarah and I can get to go to the movies. Because we will have someone to look after Jords (Hi Jords, Hi) and for the last eight months we've been parenting 24/7. Mum and Dad did come for another visit and it's so nice to get some relief and go and have some quality ‘relationship time’ or ‘private time’ or ‘me time’.

So what  does that mean actually, when you think about it, it is about who you surround yourself with, what is that, what is the team that you surround yourself, with the people that are on your team and on your inner circle and who's going to be there to help you out.

So we came away on this trip to Switzerland to bond with our beautiful three-year-old and we've been skiing a lot and we're just hanging out and having a snack right now and it's towards the end of the season and we can't wait to show Grandma and Granddad how good her skiing has got.

But it is really important to know who's on your team, to build a team of people who is going to support you especially in tough times, it's easy for anyone to support in the good times but in the tough times can you be supported by these people? Whether it's friends, family, business partners, colleagues sometimes it's even if you're a competitor, can even be your opposition, surprising but you build friendships with these people and travel with them and when times are tough sometimes you can lean on them as well, until you're playing against them and then it gets difficult.

But I just wanted to ask you to have a think about it as you sit maybe and have a snack and a cup of tea and maybe watch this video or a cup of coffee. Who's on your team? Do you need some new ones, team members, do you need to replace them, do you need to expand your team, maybe you don't have anyone, maybe it's time to get someone on your team?

As I sit here and show you the beauty that is Switzerland we’re only here for a couple more months and then we're back to Australia, but until then I'm going to ski as much as I can. Who's on your team?


x Nat

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