Side by Side: The Olympic and Paralympic movements

While our Paralympians are blitzing it in Tokyo, most of our OLYmpians are fresh out of quarantine and ready to be officially welcomed home… although these days that looks less like the old-school ticker tape parade, and more like a fancy black tie dinner! 

A question I’ve been...

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And the winner is... Brisbane for 2032!!

We did it!!!

Last night's vote and announcement make it official: Brisbane will host the Games in 2032!!

It’s been a long race, but we have finally crossed the finish line! As John Coates AC said in last night's address, it actually started 35 years ago, when Brisbane made its first...

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Rise up and succeed! Women In Sport Summit

Some of Australia’s brightest sports stars, movers and shakers gathered at USC for the Women in Sport Summit, presented by the Ministry of Sport and Sunshine Coast Council last Friday.

Hosted by NRL Commissioner Kate Jones, the Summit celebrated the achievements so far for women in sport,...

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Unearthing next-gen talent

The possibility of a 2032 Brisbane Olympic Games has got Aussies buzzing. It keeps coming up in conversation (maybe because I’m a tad excited!); with business contacts, friends, and even parents at my daughter’s school. One of the questions that keeps cropping up is, “How can I...

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Financial hurdles for Aussie athletes

One of the most common questions I’ve been asked throughout my career is,“can you make a living from being an elite athlete?”

Unfortunately, the answer for most is, “no”! 


People often look at our NRL stars or top tennis champs, and the impression is that...

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2033 Legacy

As I proudly reflect back on my career, spanning 5 Olympic Games, I hone in on the one that was in my home country! Not just because it was declared “the best Games ever”, or because we WON a Gold Medal, but mostly because all of that happened in front of (and for) my family, friends...

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