How Does Motivation Affect Sports Performance?

motivation Oct 26, 2015

Have you ever stopped to ask yourself what it is that takes a person from being a couch potato to achieving sporting greatness? It’s not just talent. It’s not physiology or being genetically blessed. And it’s certainly not dependent on the number of hours you spend in the gym,...

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Nat's Secret to Motivation...

motivation personal story Oct 12, 2015

The clock is ticking. It may be your body clock, your career or the clock ticking away the seconds of your life to date. Reflect on how many times you’ve started something and not finished it and then have a think about why that is. Was it a matter of circumstance at the time or a lack of...

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Why is Motivation Important to a Business?

motivation Aug 11, 2015

Motivational speakers have the ability to significantly improve staff morale, lead a team to success, and help a business achieve its goals. One of the many questions people ask about motivation is: why is motivation important to a business? It sounds obvious, but the effects of motivation...

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How to Keep Your Motivation High in the Workplace

motivation Aug 04, 2015

Some people are born naturally motivated, self-driven and oozing a desire to be the best. Others have it in them but need that little extra guidance and support to unleash what’s hidden, and that’s where a motivational speaker can offer enormous benefits. By drawing upon their own...

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How Does Job Motivation Affect Performance?

latest news motivation Jul 28, 2015

One of the most important elements that drives us to achieve is motivation, and motivational speakers know this all too well. Without it, our ability to get going, to stay focused and to keep on pushing ourselves even in the face of challenges is hampered. On the job, this motivation is essential...

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Nat's Secrets on How to Be Your Own Inspiration

It’s a pattern of behaviour that many people can relate to. You have a brilliant idea, you gain momentum, then for some reason you plateau. Self-motivation goes out the window and you lose interest. Suddenly you’re on cruise control with no direction. Perhaps you’ve received...

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