What to do When Things go Pear Shaped

So, what do you do when things don’t go to plan?

This is probably the most important thing you will need for success in anything you do.

Because it’s really easy to high-five which is what we do in beach volleyball when you’re winning. Right.

Momentum is awesome when it’s...

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The Power of Belief - Fake It Til You Make It!

Today, we are going to talk chicken and the egg! It’s about – succeeding and believing and what comes first.

Do you believe and then you’ll have success?

Or, do you have success and then you believe? Right.

And it is kind of a chicken and the egg and there’s not one right...

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Podcasts to Listen to - Featuring Natalie Cook


So we’ve talked about podcasts before, we’ve talked about self-development we’ve talked about you know building yourself up from the inside out.

And strategies and techniques to have you tackle life.

Be resilient, be excitable, be playful, dynamic, innovative.

And podcasts...

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Team Loyalty - Support Your Team Even When the Chips are Down

latest news video Jun 19, 2017

Hey guys!

It’s been a few weeks since we’ve had one of our biggest football – now when I say football it’s coming from where I come from.

It’s rugby league.

So we’ve had one of our biggest football games for the year in the first State of Origin we call it,...

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Essential Tips to Plan Your Recovery

Ok, so today we’re going to talk recovery!

Now, these guys the Koalas do this really well.

They recover or sleep 20 hours a day, which I’m not really encouraging for you to do 20 hours a day but I am encouraging you to put your recovery into the week first.

So often we are busy, busy,...

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How to Stay Motivated for a Long Time

After five Olympic Games and twenty years as an Olympian, the number one question I got asked and still get asked is – how did I stay motivated for so long? So because I kept getting asked the question initially I’d give little answers. You know like ‘oh I love it’ or...

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My 16-Week IsaBody Challenge

So in light of my consistency challenge for 2017, I have entered into what we call a ‘IsaBody Challenge’. So it’s a 16week challenge of exercise. So this will be very testing for me and I’m going to dispel a myth about Olympians. You may all think we like to...

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Success Coaching for Accountants

latest news video May 22, 2017

Hi! Live from the Sunshine Coast, where I’m about to go on stage and talk to 300 accountants. Now you may be thinking, what is a beach volleyball Olympian going to talk to accountants about? Well, the common topic is success and how to be successful over a long period of time. So what does...

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Achieve Your Goals - Shout Them From the Rooftop!


We’ve been doing a lot of talk lately about goals. So, often people write down their goals and keep them to themselves. And if you ask yourself why would you do that? Often people say it’s because they’re afraid if they fail that people will give them a hard time. And...

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Does the Consistency Theory Actually Work?


I just thought I’d come to you from the back of my Jeep boot because I’ve just finished four days in a row of yoga! Four days! Like that’s the most I’ve ever done in a row. And this is on my consistency challenge. And as I’ve talked about before, you...

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